2021 The Ö¿Ö¿Ö¿Technion Viterbi fellowship for nurturing future faculty members
2021. The Eric & Wendy Schmidt postdoctoral award for women in Math and CS
2020 Zuckerman-CHE outstanding Israeli female postdoctoral scholarship
2020 Israel Council of Higher Education fellowship in Data Science
2020 Prof. Ruth Arnon postdoctoral fellowship
2020 The Weizmann Institute postdoctoral award for women in science (declined)
2020 The Bar-Ilan University postdoctoral fellowship for women (declined)
2018 The Wolf Foundation Prize for PhD students
2017 The Bar-Ilan University Rector's prize for outstanding research students
2018-2020 The Adams Fellowship of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2016 The Bar-Ilan university President’s Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence
2014 Ministry of Science, Technology and Space's Award for promoting women in science
2013 Excellent Final Project, in the Engineering Faculty
2010,2012,2013 The Bar-Ilan University Rector's Prize, in the Engineering Faculty
2011 The Bar-Ilan University Dean's Prize, in the Engineering Faculty
2010 The Bar-Ilan University President’s Award for outstanding opening achievements