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Short Bio & Research Interests
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering at Tel-Aviv University. Before that, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, advised by Prof. Regina Barzilay and Prof. Tommi Jaakkola, where I was working on uncertainty and reliability of ML models with optimization and statistics tools.
I finished my PhD in 2020 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. I was working at the BIU Speech & Acoustics Lab, advised by Prof. Sharon Gannot (Bar-Ilan) and Prof. Ronen Talmon (Technion). My PhD research focused on geometric methods for audio processing, utilizing unique low-dimensional structures, such as manifolds and simplexes. I received the BSc (summa cum laude) degree in Electrical Engineering in 2013 from Bar-Ilan University.
My research interests include statistical inference, uncertainty estimation, geometric methods for data analysis, manifold learning, array processing, speaker localization and source separation. My goal is to deploy a wide range of solid mathematical tools for developing robust and confidence-aware methods with practical applications to speech, language and biological data.
Fellowships and Awards: the Adams PhD Fellowship by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Wolf Foundation Prize for PhD Students, the Israeli Council of Higher Education Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Science, the Technion Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences.

If you're interested in machine learning/signal processing research, let us know!​ Postdoc, PhD, MSc, and BSc positions are available. Contact: blaufer@tauex.tau.a
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